Masuk Daftar

bertindak atas nama bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bertindak atas nama"
  • bertindak:    act; acted; acting; behave; behaving; bestir;
  • atas:    above; on; up; upon; top of page; head; upper;
  • atas nama:    behalf; in the name of; o.b.; on behalf; on
  • nama:    denomination; name; named; packer's; personal
  • atas nama:    behalf; in the name of; o.b.; on behalf; on behalf of; on behalf on
  • berbicara atas nama:    speak for; speaking for; spoke for; spoken for
  • cek atas nama:    named cheque
  • noda atas nama baik:    a blot on the escutcheon
  • saham atas nama:    preferred share
  • bertindak:    act; acted; acting; behave; behaving; bestir; bestired; bestiring; call into play; called into play; calling into play; get action; geting action; go into action; got action; take measures; take ste
  • %nama:    name
  • nama:    denomination; name; named; packer's; personal names; names; appellative; public figure; identification; designation; label; reputation; noun; appellation; figure; proper noun; nama
  • atas:    above; on; up; upon; top of page; head; upper; inwards; uphill; top side; high; high up; end; in; peak; overhead; on the top; on top; tip; upstairs; upper side; overcome; upside; thatch; upper end;
  • bertindak adil:    do justice
  • bertindak balas:    react
  • You are acting on behalf of a wealthy Muslim
    Anda bertindak atas nama seorang muslim kaya
  • I trust her to act on my behalf.
    Saya percaya untuk bertindak atas nama saya.
  • I'm acting on behalf of an extra-legal enforcement organization.
    Aku bertindak atas nama organisasi penegakan hukum ekstra-legal.
  • So we may act on your behalf.
    Jadi kita dapat bertindak atas nama Anda.
  • Did you put the government up to this?
    Apa kau bertindak atas nama pemerintahmu?
  • You are acting on behalf of a wealthy Muslim client.
    Anda bertindak atas nama dari klien Muslim kaya.
  • You act on behalf of the Heaven, you can't make any mistake.
    Kau bertindak atas nama Kayangan, jangan gagal.
  • You don't act for God.
    Kau tak bertindak atas nama Tuhan.
  • • Any Agent acting on our behalf
    • Setiap Agen yang bertindak atas nama kami
  • To a person authorised to act on the individual’s behalf.
    kepada seseorang yang berwenang untuk bertindak atas nama individu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5